Brand Integrity Solutions


Grand-scale industrialized counterfeiting of products can turn a brand’s competitive strengths against itself, making your own brand your biggest competitor;  


Since 2003, Denkyem’s principal has been fighting international industrialized counterfeiting for some of the world’s leading consumer brands.

Through years long responsibility over the formulation of both internal and external solutions to this ever-growing menace, Denkyem now has vast experience how to analyze a brand’s counterfeit situation, how to organize internal  cost efficient measures to counteract the impact of fakes and how to set up and manage international networks for intelligence gathering and effective enforcement of intellectual property rights.


Having worked in Brand Protection all around the globe, the specific challenges of geographic locations in fighting production or commercialization of fakes are well-known. Denkyem has a vast network of trustworthy and professional informants, investigators whilst having direct and personal contacts to authorities in many different geographies, in particular PR China and Africa.


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